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Customer analytics : Key metrics that help you understand your customers

The most comprehensive customer analytics solution is here. Putler provides important features like filters, custom segments, instant search and tons more.


Last updated on June 15, 2022

For any business, it is very important to know your customers. Identifying the main pain points of your customers and then providing them a solution to fix them is the ultimate formula to success.

But though, this might sound easy, business owners find it difficult to execute it. They get stuck either recognizing the problem or creating the solution or worse communicating the solution to their customers.

In this article, I will shed light on how our tool Putler provides you key customer analytics.

Let’s dive in deeper…

Putler’s Customer dashboard is your one-stop destination to analyse your customers

We understand the importance of understanding customers. We also understand the struggles that business owners go through. (PS. We own three businesses ourselves).

Consideration both, we’ve built a customer dashboard that provides critical metrics that help gain in-depth information about your customers, segment them, and provide insights to provide better customer service and ultimately grow profits.

Take a look at Putler’s customer dashboard below:

New Customers Dashboard

Customer Analytics KPI’s

We tried retaining all the good portions and KPI’s from the previous Customers dashboard but we also added a few more really useful ones.

Here are the customer based KPI’s you will get in the new customer analytics dashboard:

Customer KPIs
Customer KPIs
  • Top 20% customers
  • Avg LTV
  • Avg revenue/ customer
  • Acquired/day
  • New customers/day
  • New customer every
  • Free trailers vs Paid one time vs repeat

Customer Analytics Graphs

This graph gives you the 3 things you want to analyse from your customer data.

  1. New customers
  2. Lost customers
  3. Returning customers
Customer Analytics Graph
Customer Analytics Graph

All these 3 things will be reflected for the date range you select using the date picker.

Date-wise customer distribution
Date-wise customer distribution

In-depth Customer Reports

KPI’s are amazing but seeing data in depth is the real deal. So the new customer analytics dashboard provides you with both a list as well as an in-depth report of your customers.

The in-depth reports gives you information like;

  • Customer Personal information
  • Revenue stat
  • Customer’s Personal information
  • Total Sales
  • Refunds
  • Number of orders placed
  • Store Activity
  • List of products purchased
In-depth Customer Report
In-depth Customer Report


In the Customer dashboard, you can find 4 amazing facets namely;

  • Country
  • Product
  • Total revenue contribution
  • Customer since

Country facets: Filter customers by the country they live in. Putler’s country facets filter out countries which have the majority of your customers. Using this filter, you can evaluate which country gives you how much revenue and then take marketing decisions like sending out language-specific emails, page translations, organizing country-specific festive offers etc.

Product facets: Similar to the country facet, Putler filters out customers as the products on your store. It also arranges it in descending order that is the product which was purchased by the majority of your customers to the least. You can use this filter to send out product-specific emails, upsell emails etc.

Total revenue contribution: This facet filters customers based on the revenue they contribute to your business. It is an advance facet can help you segregate customers on revenue margins and help you make strategic marketing decisions, send laser targeted emails and much more.

Customer since: This filter will help you bucket out customer based on the time they entered your business. Every customer is on a different journey path in your business. There are some who are with your business for years, some for over a year while some recent. Using this filter to get to know groups of customers that are on the same journey path. You can use this information to send our more personalized emails and make them feel valued.

Find out how to use Facets to grow your business

Customer Segments


Similar to Sales dashboard, you can apply multiple filters and create any segment of your choice using this new feature.

Strategies to use Segments better

RFM Analysis

RFM Analysis is one of the most trusted ways to segment customers based on recency, frequency and monetary value of the purchase of a customer.

And though RFM sounds complex, Putler gives you results within seconds.

You simply select the date range you want to segment customers for and then click on the RFM segment of your choice.
All the customers that belong to that date range will get loaded in the grid below.

Here’s a look at the revamped RFM chart
Putler's RFM Chart
Putler’s RFM Chart

Benefits of this revamped RFM chart:

  • Calculated on runtime a.k.a Live RFM
  • More accurate results
  • Works with filters and segments

Top hacks to use this dashboard

HACK 1: Increase sales by pitching relevant products to customers

This one is a marketing standard and it works like a charm. Why? Two reasons-
The customer has already bought something from you so he trusts you. Second, you are pitching something relevant making it even more irresistible.

How to implement this?

  • Firstly, use the segment creator and create a segment with people who have purchased product name= XYZ.
  • Once all the customers who have purchased this item gets listed, think about what product on your store could be relevant for them. For example, suppose these people have bought a mobile from your store. Pitching them a mobile cover is relevant.
  • Once you figure your respective relevant product, export the list of customers and send them an email pitching the relevant product.
HACK 2: Plan a smart flash sale

I call this smart because it is targeted. And I call it flash sale cause it is time-limited.
Generally, people run a flash sale for all customers on the entire website. But be smart, target customers and then increase scarcity by keeping it time limited.

How to do this?

  • Target a particular region. Let’s say you love New York. Use the segment creator and create a segment of people who have bought from New York.
  • Export the list of New Yorkers.
  • Now create a coupon and send them an email in true New Yorker style. Put in references that they will relate to and give them the coupon code in the email itself.
  • Increase urgency by stating the coupon will be invalid after so and so time.
HACK 3: Organize a meetup/ event closer to your customers

This tip is similar to tip number 2. But it aims at strengthening customer relationship and not sales directly. If you are an influencer or somebody in the coaching industry you know what impact socializing with clients can make for your business right?

Use the same principle and do it using Putler.


  • Find the top country using the new Country facet.
  • All the customer falling in this country will be loaded. Now pick a city you will like to arrange a meetup for from the cities listed in the customer drill down.
  • Then use the segment creator and say city name = this selected city. All customers of this city get loaded. Export this list.
  • Either have a meetup/ event of a simple webinar for these guys and know them better.

This tip will be gold while planning your next event. It will give you clarity on where your customers are at and help you schedule events better. So do use it.

How are you going to use this dashboard?

Well those were some ideas, I know you will discover a lot more once you take a look at the new customers analytics dashboard. So go ahead and check it out.

Your feedback and ideas are always welcome!

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